Tampa Impact Windows

My wife, Rhonda and I are 100% satisfied with the new windows. We really can’t thank you enough for your hard work,
and it really has to be said that you guys know how to treat your customers. Just beautiful. Everything is perfect!

Marco M., Tampa, Florida

Guard Impact Window & Door, the trusted impact window Florida company, can help you get the job done seamlessly and efficiently.   Backed by more than 50 years of extensive experience in keeping Tampa safe through our products and services, your choice to let us install Tampa impact windows within your home is guaranteed to give you the best form of property protection you need and deserve.

What Are Impact Windows?

The main purpose of Impact windows Tampa is to allow the windows to withstand the strong force hitting windows by flying debris during an intense storm or hurricane.

Tampa impact windows consist of 2 layers of tempered glass that is shatter-proof fastened to a membrane made of Polyvinyl Butyral (a plastic film that is between 0.15 .90 thick) which is also shatter-proof. Glass is secured in an aluminum frame.

If the storm or hurricane is really that strong and the impact windows Tampa will break, the impact will not shatter the window but instead only produce a web-like design on the glass.  This is so because the shattered pieces of glass will stick to the PVB film and will not splatter all over your home.

Benefits of Impact Windows

Tampa Impact Windows

Choosing to install Tampa impact windows provides a lot of other benefits aside from protection against heavy storms and hurricanes.

  • Protection against Heavy Storms and Hurricanes. If you have hurricane windows Tampa, you can do without shutters or storm panels. Hurricane windows in your home can give you the peace of mind that during a storm or hurricane, strong winds will never enter your home much less break your windows.  And cause severe damage.


  • Provides UV Protection. The ultraviolet rays of the sun can cause your home to be extremely hot. It can also cause the upholstery of your furniture to fade. Tampa impact windows reduce the penetration of the UV rays of the sun inside your home protecting the upholstery of your furniture. There will also be no need to over-work your AC system to keep your home cooler. Impact windows are able to block UV rays from penetrating your home by as much as 99%.


  • Provides Discounts on Insurance Premiums. Many insurance companies know how valuable it is to have impact windows Tampa. A home well-protected against strong storms and hurricanes will reduce or eliminate insurance claims for damages.  Insurance companies thus give lower property insurance premiums for homes with impact window.


  • Provides Security. If strong winds and flying debris are unable to break impact windows, the more burglars will not be able to do so. No matter how much effort burglars place on smashing an impact window they will never be successful.


  • Lower Energy Consumption. Depending on the impact windows you choose, they can make your home energy efficient with regards to help keep your home cooler during the summer and hot in winter. There are impact windows that come with laminating tints or insulations. These options may cost more but can provide savings in energy costs in the long term.


  • Provides Sound Insulation. If you live in a noisy neighborhood, Tampa impact windows can provide your home with insulation from the noises outdoor. Reduction of outside sound can make your home a peaceful place to live in.


  • Improves Resale Value. When your home is installed with impact windows Tampa, you will have better windows to protect your home. As such your home will have a higher resale value.

Impact Window Materials

Impact window materials can either be of wood, vinyl or aluminum. Here is how each material compares with the other.

Wood impact windows provide excellent insulation. They are energy efficient and are also recyclable. On the downside, wood impact windows require a lot of maintenance. They also easily warp and rot.

Vinyl impact windows also provide excellent insulation. They are also energy efficient. Unlike wood impact windows, vinyl impact windows are low in cost and maintenance.

Aluminum impact windows are resistant to weather and extremely strong. They are also low in maintenance. They are aesthetically beautiful, too. The downside though is aluminum needs to be painted.


Types of Impact Windows

The glass in impact windows can either be laminated or insulated and laminated.

  • Laminated impact windows consist of two glass sheets adhered by a plastic film.
  • Insulated and laminated impact windows are also of the laminated type with an additional glass pane wherein the space between is sealed hermetically


How to Clean and Maintain Impact Windows

For Tampa impact windows to work efficiently and have a longer lifespan, they need to be cleaned and maintained the proper way.

For aluminum and vinyl frames:

  • Clean with water and mild dishwashing liquid.
  • After cleaning, thoroughly rinse off with clear water. To dry, wipe with a non-abrasive soft cloth.
  • Check all hardware every 4 months to make sure they are in good condition.
  • Thoroughly clean weep holes and tracks to endure their proper function.
  • Clean insulated glass with the right cleaning agents.

Cleaning the glass:

  • Clean glass with water and mild dishwashing liquid.
  • Rinse thoroughly and wipe with a non-abrasive soft cloth.

Opting to have impact windows Tampa in your home will keep your home safe and secure during heavy storms and hurricanes.

With Tampa impact windows installed you will have the peace of mind that no matter a strong a storm or hurricane may be, you, your family and possessions will be safe and secure.


Contact us today to discuss our current promotions

for Tampa impact windows.